Tuesday 14 March 2017

She's the one who puts others happiness ahead of her own. She's a role model to so many. She's strong and ebullient, dedicated and versatile. She gives her whole without expecting anything in return. She learns as she goes and gets stronger day by day. There's nobody more determined, nobody more supportive, nobody more dependable than her, She is a mother, a wife, a sister and also a daughter. Her beauty must be seen in her eyes, it's the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. Her beauty is reflected in her soul. It's the care that she gives, it's the warmth in her presence, and her beauty with the passing years only grows. She is as tender as the leaves and as strong as the roots that hold them. She has storms running inside her, yet she stays calm on the outside.
She's the real architect of the society, the one that turns the house to home.
'Superheroes were flaunting their powers, and then there was her, hiding her responsibilities behind a smile.'

Words by ~ Aiman Arastu